Monday 10/30 – No running, as I went in to the Dr to get my foot checked out for Plantars Fasciitis.
Tuesday 10/31 – Ran 5 miles on Town Lake at 5:45am with Lulu and Triscuit and Karma. My foot felt good. Surprisingly! My other leg’s calf muscles were a little sore, or maybe I just felt them a little tight because I may have been over-compensating a little. But overall, amazingly, I have no complaints. MILES 5
Wednesday 11/1 – After another Foot treatment, I ran my marathon team’s quality workout. It was a 1.5 mile warmup to the Zilker Moonlight tower, also known as the Zilker Christmas tree. Then we ran 5 loops of 1000 metres at 10K pace. They obviously lied to us, because we (Mike and I, and Triscuit to some extent) should have been running that loop in 4min 21 seconds, but I wasn’t able to break 5mins except for the very last lap for which I ran a long and hard stride out. We did good though... It’s a painful loop in the start of it, is a gradual and slight uphill, followed by quite a tough hill to climb at 10km pace. I think I ran the loops in around 5:16, 5:11, 5:08, 5:10, and 4:56 and a 1.5 mile run back. MILES 6
It turns out the loop was a 1200 metre loop, and when I got home I checked on my splits, and 5:15 was the accurate time to be running, so I was going faster than needed.
Thursday 11/2 – Just walked the trail with Karma for a few miles. No pains from the Wednesday workout, or pains from Plantars, but I still decided to take the day off to rest the foot.
Friday 11/3 – No run here either. Just trail walking with Karma for a few miles (about 45 mins)
Saturday 11/4 – I ran the Campus 10miler route, with the marathon group. Erin picked me up at 35th and Exposition, so I could leave my car there, and dump Karma off after 7 miles. The Campus 10 Miler is 11.29 miles. It starts at the RunTex on riverside, runs out Lake Austin Blvd past Hula Hut, up Scenic to 35th, then 35th across to Speedway and down through campus, around the capital, and down congress. That’s what I call a good 10 miler! It was a good 1 hour and 29min easy run, and I had no big pains... Just a slight, bruise-type pain from about mile 8 to mile 9.5 in the problem area. I suspect this may have had something to do with the Nature pit stop I had to do at the Starbucks on 35th and Guadalupe, but who knows.
MILES 11.29 (rounding up to 11.5)
Sunday 11/5 – No running, just a one hour and fifteen min long walk in the trails with Karma.
Total Miles: 22.5 (foot injury…bleh)
Motive Half Marathon race this weekend... where it all began last year!
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