Sunday, November 26, 2006

Run Updates - Monday 11/6 - Sunday 11/26

Yes, I’ve been slacking on the updates.

Monday 11/6 – 4 Miles on Trail.

Tuesday 11/7 – Track workout, The Enforcer, Triscuit, Ostrich, Panther, FerrisWheel, and Pinball. 1.7 mile warmup, 1.7 mile cooldown, and a 2mile track work out.
Total: 5.5 Miles

Wednesday 11/8 – 2.5 Warmup to Zilker Elementary, 4 Miles at HMGP, 2.5 cooldown.
Total : 9 Miles

Thursday 11/9 – Nothing.

Friday 11/10 – 3 Miles, took it easy, it’s race week.

Saturday 11/11 – 3 Miles with Karma.

Sunday 11/12 – Motive ½ Marathon. See race report. 17 total miles.


Monday 11/13 – Could barely move. Nothing.

Tuesday 11/14 – 5 Miles with Triscuit and Karma at 5:45am. Lulu called for a morning workout, and then slept through her alarm. Luloser.

Wednesday 11/15 – Team Pain Train quality workout around townlake. 3 mins at 10K, 2 mins at 5k, 1 min at 1 Mile pace. Over and over around townlake. My Hamstring really hurt, so I only went 4. Ostrich and Triscuit kept going and went 7. Townlake at night sucks in the dark.

Thursday 11/16 – can’t remember, so I’ll say 0.

Friday 11/17 – 2 In the morning with Karma.

Saturday 11/18 – 16 Miles Crestview. It was a great run. Karma ran 8 with us, and spent the rest of the morning in Nedra’s backyard. Us included, Lex, Nedra, Julie, Triscuit, Ostrich, Red and a few others whom I don’t know. I ran the last 2 miles hard.

Sunday 11/19 – Nothing. Dead from the day before.


Monday 11/20 – 5 Miles in the neighborhood at 5:30am with Karma.

Tuesday 11/21 – 4 Miles of hills with Joey and Triscuit. All others called in sick, sore, hurt, or out of town.

Wednesday 11/22 – 3 Trail miles in the dark with Karma and my new head lamp. It was fun!

Thursday 11/23 – 7 Miles. 5 mile turkey trot race. + 2 Mile warmup.

Friday 11/24 - 2 Miles. I was sore (hips) and Turkey Trot the day before and turned around quickly.

Saturday 11/25 – 10 Miles on the townlake trail with Mark, Triscuit, and Karma. 1hour 25 minutes.


97.5 miles in 3 weeks. Very nice!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, Fernando Labastida here. I saw you left Vignette. Write me when you get a chance. I wanted to touch base with the old network: By the way, those are fast run times! I ran the Motorola Marathon in 1998 when I was still with Sunset in 5 pinches horas and 22 pinches minutos...lentisimo.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, I enjoy the fresh ideas you blog about occasionally, so enough with the damn running stuff. I'd rather hear about your dog's bowel movements personally. Mix it up, talk about something other than preparing for a run, running or post running activities. Ok, buh bye.