Thursday, December 28, 2006

BOB is stupid

Yesterday I sat at a red light behind a car with one of these BOB signs. Do people who have these signs hanging from their back window really think we're going to be more careful driving behind them than driving behind someone else?

Seriously, does anyone think like this:

"Umm... this car doesn't have a BOB sign on it, so i'll go ahead and ram into it."

No, no one does. I don't want to hit a car that doesn't have a BOB sign more than a car with one. That sign is pure stupid.

If anything, aren't Parents + Kid worth double points???


Amanda said...

That's a funny post Mike, considering that this morning I saw a car with a BOB sign on it, driving like a bloody maniac! I totally agree, double points :) Don't get me started about people who talk on their cell phones while driving...

Mike said...

Whoa....wait a minute, BOB is genius! Are those things back? I wish I was the dude that invented those signs, I bet he is sitting in the blue pearl of the coast of Cayman or something with a sign on his yacht that says, "BABE ON BOARD."

Shit if those signs and those spinoffs start coming back (what was it, late 80's?) I'm going to rethink some ideas.

MW said...

You know, the more I think about it, maybe they're just trying to show off or something...
"look! I have a baby, na na na na naaaa na!"
I should buy one that says: "No baby here, I get to sleep in, or stay out as much as I want!"

Tiffany said...

I'm preeeeetty sure I am going to hell for laughing at this comment, "If anything, aren't Parents + Kid worth double points???"

Your sign should also include, "I get to drink as much as I want." Lush.

Unknown said...

I guess you finally switched over to the knew blogger???

Oh, you gave me something to work on today. Yippee!!