Saturday, December 30, 2006

...or could I?

It's 6:23am, and I want to run in my brand new, Size 10, 2005 Brooks Radius running shoes.
I love that year, and they're scarce. Very scarce. This last pair I found after literally 2 weeks of searching around on the internet for obscure running shoe sites. I easily spent 3.5 hours looking for one last pair to get me through the month of January and February, and most importantly not have to find a new type of shoe in which to run the marathon.

The shoes are gone. I got them about 2 months ago, and never took them out of the box. I've searched my apartment 2 times over this morning, and nothing. Where is the f**king blue brooks box with me new shoes??

No shoes anywhere. Sure I found 4 pairs of Radius 2005s laying around, but none are my brand new ones in a box.

When I get back from my 16 miler this morning, i'm going to turn this apartment inside out till I find them. If I don't find it, I'm coming after everyone of you. Someone's stolen them, and maybe it's you.

Because, after all, there's no way I could have thrown away a brand new box of running shoes... or could I?


Tiffany said...

I stole them. And I am not giving them back until you name your blog.

Tiffany said...

Hurray! Texas won! Now, can you blog about your wild party night?(or at least make something up)

You better be ready to get rocked by Mike Ostrich at the Bimini Ring game tonight- he has the secret powers to be the Ringmaster now!

New development- Perhaps Karma ate the shoes?

MW said...

Still can't find them. This really REALLY sucks.