Thursday, December 7, 2006

Run Updates

Monday Nov 27 - 5 miles with Ostrich

Tuesday - 1.7 warmup, 1.7 cooldown. Track work out with the Untouchables (group formerly known as the Blue Jackets, until our coach Panther decided to take out little group mainstream by inviting Duathletes and random folk). If I remember correctly, we ran 3 miles on the track. Karma was tied to the fence and barked his ass off serenaded us and the other 50+ people that were out there. It was great! He’s such a great cheerleader! 6.5miles

Wednesday – Team Pain Train workout… 4 miles around Town lake at HMGP (Half Marathon Goal Pace – 7min miles) as we’re preparing taking it easy before for the Decker 20km race on Sunday.

Thursday – I didn’t run.

Friday – 38 mins on the trail with Lulu. (4 miles)

Saturday – 4 Miles with Nedra at 9am.

Sunday – Decker 20k. 2 mile warmup and 12.5 mile race. (see upcoming race report)

Week of Nov 27-> 5+6.5+4+4+14.5 = 34 miles

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