Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Learning new things everyday.

- Today (Tuesday 4am) I've learned that it's going to be a while before I can get a good nights sleep. I haven't slept more than 45mins at a time. My calves and quads are beyond pain.
- If you drop something non-essential to survival on the floor, just leave it there. It's not worth the pain.
- If you drop something essential, like your car keys, it's better to drag the nearest chair over, sit on it, reach down to grab your keys, then attempt to stand from sitting position.
- If your computer monitor dies before a marathon, go buy a new one before the marathon and not after. You'll find that rolling around on the floor to plug in cables under your desk, then trying to stand up is worse than sticking a fork in your eye.
- When getting in your car, open the door, turn around facing away from the seat, sit down on the seat, then rotate and help your legs into the car.
- Be grateful for driving an SUV. The higher seating position allows for an easier exit strategy.
- When parking at work, consider that it's dramatically less painful to walk 40 flat yards, than 15 downhill yards.
- If you're going to lie down on your couch to watch tv before bed time, don't. Instead, go watch tv in bed. Why add another struggle to stand before bed time.
- There is no magic pain killer that makes leg muscles stop aching.
- Be glad you have enough clean clothes to not have to worry about doing laundry for several days.
- I just want to sit around and do nothing.


Lulu said...

I also recommend filling a cooler full of beer before Sunday to keep by your bed. That way you dont have to get up to get one.

I guess I should have told you that before now. Doh!

holly said...

Can you train karma to get stuff for you?

KP said...

I know what you need... a cockroach controlled robot to do your bidding!


Go Go Gadget RoachBot!

Unknown said...

Maybe you could buy a cow and learn to milk it for sympathy ;)

It's been over a day now, time to get running again! Seriously, doing something easy will help the recovery. Go for a walk.

Unknown said...

just to torture you a tad more...i just jogged 30 min...and it feels better to get everything moving around. Don't get me wrong my calluses are still exploding but I'd rather them get all their agony out of the way now;)

I like that you get in your car like a "lady."


MW said...

yes, like a lady.
but i pee like a man, and it rocks to not have to sit!