Last night I spent:
$110 - Chicago Marathon Registration
$11 - Go for the Gold 5K
$25 - Starflight 5K (tech-tee included = good deal)
$20 - Belterra 5K (Hoping this is a cherry pickin' race. And I know that neighborhood well. I wonder if they throw the two giant hills into the mix. I kind of hope they do, so i can have a chance. I love hills!)
Total scrilla = $166USD
Total miles = 35.7
Money spent per mile = $4.65 per joyous mile.
NOTE: I still need to sign up for 7 or 8 more races this summer at $20 a pop.
Don't ever try triathlons then, if you think that's a lot of mulla per mile.
Amanda recently worked out what IMAZ has cost us. I haven't divided it by 140.6x2 yet, but it isn't as cheap as $4.65 :) (more like 6x that)
Gordon, I disagree...
36 miles is costing me $4.65. So if were to buy 140 miles worth, then it woudl cost me: $651.
I know for a fact that IMAZ is $450 to sign up.
Yup, and signing up is about the cheapest part of the whole endeavor.
New wheels, 6 months of training, flights to Arizona, 5 days hotel accomodation in Az, endless purchases from J&As, weekly massage appointments, new shoes, new tires, new tubes, Gu, sustained energy, clif bars, luna bars, new goggles, car repairs for driving the bikes into the garage, bike repairs.
I'm not counting at least one tri-bike bought for this race either. Nor am I counting Amanda's clothing budget for tri-gear.
Just sayin, running is cheap.
As for races to sign up for, how about the Milago Moonlight Margarita Run? My wife and I are probably going to run this one...
Gordon, I stand corrected. One cannot accurately forecast the tre cost of an Ironman training when Amanda is in the mix. ; )
hee hee
I almost ran that last year, I ear it was fun, but it's like $60 entry fee. eeek.
Margarita sounds really good right now.
Drink for whining! Leadville alone is $225! Although at price per mile it beats your races.
Mike, I just had a look at the 'Texas Tri Series' (sort of a Tri equivalent of the distance challenge, this summer)
$165 Lonestar Half Iron, $215 if you want to do the sprint & half iron
$50 for the Rookie
$120 for the CapTex olympic
$60 ($120 for a couple ) for the Couples Tri
$55 for Jack's Generic
$90 for the Austin Triathlon (Olympic distance,sounds like it may be almost the same course as CapTex ?)
$170 for the LongHorn half ironman
and people complain about the cost of the Distance Challenge races.
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