Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Karma likes track workouts.

Karma has really figured out what track workouts are all about. The first few times I brought him with me to our Blue Jacket workouts, I'd tie him to the bleachers, and he’d cry and bark serenade us all throughout the workout as I think he thought or feared we would be leaving him.

So, I eventually decided to not care what other people on the track thought and grabbed him and ran my laps with him. He did surprisingly well.

>>>Fast forward to today. I met up with Lulu to run my Blue Jacket workout this morning as I have a Market research session about eBay this afternoon. ($150 for 2 hours of my time. Not bad.)

So we ran about a mile warm-up, then got on the track. There about 40 people on that track this morning doing a variety of workouts, most of them were on the side doing some sort of drill/boot camp thing.

Karma ran in front of me on all my 800 meter @ 10K pace repeats. His tail never stopped wagging and stay in his lane.

He was happy to get the 200meter recoveries in between, but when it was time to get going again, he was gung ho and ran like a champ!
I finished my workout with 2 sets of 200 meters at “all out” pace, and unleashed Karma for those. He ran right next to me, and I could tell he was smiling as he looked up wondering how long we’d keep the frantic pace going.

Some girl was running a workout that had some faster (but shorter distance) sets, so we kept passing each other. I decided to move over to Lane 2, and Karma followed suit and stayed in that lane throughout the entire straight-away and turn. It’s the weirdest thing to see him running the track workout, and he seems to clearly loves it!!

When I left for work, he was already curled up in a little ball, napping the morning away. Ahhh… the comfort of being a worn out and happy dog in a good home!


Lulu said...

Karma is a track master. Next time I want to run with him so he can pull me through those 200's!!!

Amanda said...

I can't believe he ran in the lane. That is brilliant.

Mike said...

I gotta see this.

MW said...

Mike, if you ever decide to stop mutilating yourself, maybe you can come out on the track with us!!
; )