Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nano Nogo

The adventure continues, and the pace towards a record week doesn’t let up one bit.

This morning was another nice challenge.  We met at 5:30am at the RunTex off LakeAustin and MoPac.   There was only 8 of us (5 Chicago + some miscellaneous), as the rest of the group was doing a different workout

On today’s schedule were Scenic Hills repeats.  So we ran our 2.5 mile warm-up run out to the bottom of Scenic to start off the festivities.  The workout was 3 sets of scenic hill loops.  I’ve done these several times before, and I like them.  I like hills, and if you’ve been a long time read, you know that “I AM HILLS”.  

There was a twist to this go around compared to other times when I’ve done this under Panther’s tutelage.  Coach Ruthie put out a cone at the top of the hill, and wanted us to time our Hill climb, as well as the entire loop.  I’d never timed it before, so didn’t know what to expect. 

A painful 3 loops where my 3 climbs timed in at 2:18, 2:22 and 2:22.  I know this means absolutely nothing to my faithful audience, but what may put it into perspective is that Kevin (I refer to him as Crazy Legs, but only to myself at this time), is the fast guy in our group along with Paul Terranova.  On the cool-down run back to RunTex, I asked him what his times were, and he said “2:07, 2:11” (and he missed the time for the second one).   The point here is, I also asked him what he was training for?” NY.  What’s his time goal?  “Under 2hours 35 minutes”   Holy schnikees!  That’s lightning fast!  So I was about 10 seconds behind his times.

As for my week’s mileage now?  10, 11, 6, 8 = 35 Miles   (Still have 16 on Saturday and 5 on Sunday for 56 mile week!  Nuts.)

You inevitably ask yourself, but what about Friday Mike!?  Aren’t you running on Friday?  No, I’m not, 16 miles of Mt Bonnell requires a Friday rest after this week’s running.

Why is the Title: Nano Nogo? Music was not working for me on these hill climbs, so my Nano became a No Go after the first loop.


1 comment:

Lulu said...

A very short trail run tomorrow would probably do you well.