Friday, November 16, 2007

Concussion Update : Friday morning

I woke and felt pretty good after a decent night's sleep; answered some work emails, checked out the "woot off" product for sale etc.

I then took karma out for his morning walk, and within about 100 yards of walking, my nagging headache returned. 

Looks like I’m not any better.

I do have a demo at 9:30am and an important conference call I need to be on at 10:30, so I guess I'll be going in to the torture chamber that is the bright neon lights of the office for a couple of hours then come back home into my dungenous heaven. 

I would do the demo from my home, but I think i've mentioned the untrustworthy relationship I have with Mr. Time Warner in the past. (something about 7,000 resets)


1 comment:

Dionn said...

Rest, Wiley, REST!