Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Last second trip

A buddy in Seattle called me up on Monday to catch up life. He
suggested I fly up there for thanksgiving.
A quick plane availability, dog sitting availability, and reality
check later, I'm sitting at the airport 45 mins away from takeoff.
Should be a fun time... I'll get my running miles in, and will also do
some, if not all of the following:
Gambling at Indian reservation casino, Seattle sonics vs. NJ nets
basketball game, eat seafood, go for a trail run, check out downtown
Seattle, drink coffee.
Also on the agenda, and the most fun will be fishing. Jesse and his
brother Chris bought a 30foot boat in the summer and its apparently
crab and King Salmon season. Saturday, we fish!
I'll upload pics from time to time, and yes Mike, I will take pictures
of what I eat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for YOU!!!

Have fun!