I met up with Gordon and 2 of his friends for a 2 hour out and back from Barton Springs at 5am, then started out again with Muz, Ken and Steve for what was to be about 3 hours of running up to the Hill of Love (Life) and back. It was a great run for me. The sunrise was fantastic and the creek crossings were great fun as the water has settled down to crystal clear and no crossing was any higher than up to my shorts. The water was icy cold which made the legs feel great on every one of the 12 crossings.
Overall, it came out to about 24.5 miles over 4 hours and 40 minutes of total time, including a few water breaks etc. Good stuff!
Today is a rest day, may take Karma out for a few miles of fun on the greenbelt to loosen my muscles a little before another 30 mile run tomorrow down in Bandera with friends, but then again, maybe not. I'm feeling awfully lazy on this non-work Friday, and it doesn't help that there's pie in the fridge, carbo loading to do, football on tv, and all the pay movie channels are free this weekend!
47.5 miles in 2 days, with at minimum another 30 tomorrow. Should get to about 85, maybe 90 depending on how I feel on Sunday.
My knee is still bugging me, but on the trails, it's only on downhills, not all the time like on a road run. Downhills are not rare in Bandera. Hope it survives!
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