Thursday, January 21, 2010

Awesome Awesome Awesome

Was feeling weak and sluggish on the 4 miles run to the bottom of the hill, so I decided to pop a gel at mile two as I knew i wanted to nail the workout.  Not ideal to be training the body to expect a gel at mile 2, but my nutrition (fuel intake) was sub-par yesterday, so it had to be done.

I love this workout.  I affectionately called it Hill Prances to my coach the first time we did them, and the name of the workout has changed to where everyone now called them Prances, including people in other groups.  ha!

So we did "Hill Prances".  5 miles worth, and I loved it.  Next week, we get 7.5 miles worth.  I wish tomorrow was already next week.  That's how much i believe in the power of the prance and how it improves my running.   A total of 13 miles for the workout with the warm-up/down miles.

Even better news is this morning I woke up and my plantar was silent. Still not sure if it was a bruise from the rocky pounding in Bandera, or plantars.  Definitely felt like plantars.  The pain last week has been a few degrees short of excruciatingly bad, but I sucked it up and kept running on what felt like a foot on fire, with glass shards and needles shoved along the exterior part of the left foot's fascia.  The strategy was to simply clench my teeth and survive the first few miles, and then the pounding eventually numbs the foot to the point where it's a tolerable throb.  Anyway, overnight a miracle happened and i had almost no issue with it whatsoever.  It's a teenie bit tingly a few hours later, but it's almost not worth writing about.   So cross your fingers that the issue is over with, and doesn't return!

I think i need to continue my consumption of beer the night before in case it's something in the Guinness that fixed it.

1 comment:

brownie said...

Beer has restorative power. And since you're adding "prancing" to your workout, you can grab the beers at Oil Can Harry's.