Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly run recap. May 16 - 22

I had to front load my running week due to a weekend outing to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday with a camping trip.  Looking at my log I see that I only tagged 1 run as better than a 3 in the "feel" category (1 being great, 5 being horrible), meaning it was a struggle almost the entire week. Part of it due to weather acclimation still ongoing.  It will take a while before my body accepts 75+ degrees and 90% humidity in addition to elevated paces (to keep up with friends) and higher miles on roads to build fitness.

Monday - 9.5 miles - roads.  Just under 8 min miles average. This was my best run of the week.
Tuesday - 9 miles - Roads.  Ran with the front pack which was probably a mistake.  Soon enough 7:20-7:30 pace will feel fine for a 10 mile run, but adding the St Eds hilly loop, and 9 miles or asphalt the day prior, and I really suffered to keep up.  Not sure how often I will run with these guys, but it would get spank me back into faster paces in a hurry. that's for sure.
Wednesday - 6 trail - Cindy and I ran a little over an hour with Karma and Domingo leading the way.  This was probably Karma's last "long" run for the season, as the summer weather has finally arrived and he doesn't do well in high humidity and hot weather.  I'll reduce him down to 2-3 mile runs.
Thursday - rest - (Wednesday night was a late night out due to a 7-10pm class).
Friday - Long run - 14 miles. - First run over 9 miles on roads since last June.  This one hurt. Some rolling hills around town trying to keep up with Mer and Jeremy.  I was completely exhausted when i veered off to do my last 4 alone around the lake.
Saturday - 3 miles - Trails with Karma - My legs were really tired.
Sunday - Rest / Out of town.

Total: 41.5 miles. 

No issues with the IT Band during runs, but it was quite sore a few of the afternoons.
This week will be tough for runs, as work gets completely in the way, but will hopefully reach 30+ as my Saturday will be 24 miles on trails.

I didn't run this morning as I went to see The Airborne Toxic Event last night.  Third time I've seen them, and they were awesome as always, but that meant I wasn't in bed until 12:30am, and i wasn't gonna get up at 4:45 to start the week.

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