Personally, I think mine comes in at #97, so I've awarded myself a logo he's encouraging all top 100 to put on their blogs.
Congratulations to me!

Thanks for the pretty logo, Rick.
(Although, I did change your link so when people click on mine on the right, it won't give you extra credits. Sorry.)
You make my top 100. But at 98.
How'd I drop a spot? I bet it's that site Bryon Russell has going, that just eeked by me.
Wow. I couldn't imagine how dull that would be. Reading 100 blogs about people talking about their long run mileage. Only thing worse would be the top 100 blogs about people training for an Ironman.
Today's word verification is 'proso'. Sounds like a drinking salute 'Proso!'
I tried reading some of them. It was worse than I expected. The first one:
'my week in hours' broke down time running, eating, working. With bad cellphone pictures of the meals.
followed by 'results of my juice cleanse' with pictures.
I tried another blog from the list. My running this week by the miles. Followed by a long explanation and bunch of excuses about why they hadn't run as much as they planned.
Tried a third blog: First post I read was a 'weekly mileage' post, followed by 'my marathon story' then 'my angst about signing up for Ironman Florida'. At that point I closed the window and ran away screaming.
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