Thursday, June 22, 2006

I told them, but they wouldn't listen

Update on the war out back.

After a week of intense fighting between the evil Tomato Hornworm forces, and the Drippin faitful, the war has seemingly ended.

I squished about 3 or 4 a day for about a week, and it's now been 5 days since I've seen a single one of those green little cowards.

One gets so accustomed to seeing guerilla warfare lasting years and years on the news networks, that one forgets how effective a relentless, overwhelming attack can be.


15 - Baby green tomatoes destroyed
150 - Leaves eaten
23 - Hornworms left dead for birds' breakfast.
0 - Tomato plants destroyed
1 - Idea*

* I thought about doing this but i don'tlike cornmeal...
Click here for the great IDEA!

I told them, but they wouldn't listen. I don't lose at war.

P.S. Every day I harvest more tomatoes than we can eat. It's crazy out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.