Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I speak from experience.

If you ever find yourself in a foreign shower/locker room without a towel, don't worry.

You see, today I got up at 4:37am, scarfed down a bowl of vanilla almond corn flakes packed my 'change-of-clothes bag and headed out to Southwest Parkway for our 5:30am, 8 mile running group workout. (1 warm up mile, 6 workout miles, 1 cool down mile) What I didn't pack was a towel, as I already had a clean one in the car.

My office building's showers have been out of order for 4 weeks. You'd think they're filming "E.T. II: Nocturnal Fears" in the shower by the machinery and plastic walls they have erected due to some mold treatment they're doing.

As Brandywine property management also has the buildings across the street, we may use their showers. This is the 2nd time I've used those showers, so I still don't feel quite at home in them.

When I finished showering, I noticed:

"Doh! I forgot my towel in the car."

Here's the lesson kids... dont' worry if you have an undershirt, and are wearing jeans for the day. Simply use your hands to flick! off all the excess water you can off your body, legs and arms, then use your undershirt, to wipe off your face. As it's nice and warm out, you can simply put on your jeans, and the rest of your clothes as usual, and go about your day. For the first 10mins, you'll feel a little wet, but after that, it's as if nothing went wrong.

Oh yeah, I guess it helps to have new haircut; if nice and short, and you can get away with just shaking the bejeesus out of the hair them brushing while wet.

And, as walk to your car, like the Guiness commercial guys, you exclaim outloud: "Brilliant!"

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