Monday, September 11, 2006

Run Update – Wednesday, 09/6/2006

Where: Townlake
When: 5:45pm, Wednesday, Sep 6
Distance: 5 Miles
Time: Group workout lasted till about 7:15
Company: Rogue Marathon Group
Weather: It was hot, but decent. Maybe about 90
Comments: The first group workout of the marathon season was supposed to take place around a track, but we got kicked out due to a football scrimmage, so instead ran a round trip 3 mile warmup, and then a 2mile workout around Townlake.

We went to Zax after the run, and I spent entirely too much money, because their beers are expensive and their food is more expensive than Aussie’s. Next week I’ll psend 50% less for about the same amount of stuff. I can’t wait! Yeah Aussie’s!

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