- The miracle man is a wonderful man
- The miracle man goes in to his office to perform miracles everyday.
- The miracle man laughs at plantar fasciitis.
- The miracle man treats tight leg muscles amongst many other things.
- The miracle man performs his craft in a room full of machines, balls, stretching bands, and massage tables.
- The miracle man says the massage tables are an illusion. I would soon find out what actually goes on.
- The miracle man took me in the same day I called, and saw me hobble in to his sanctuary as I couldn’t put much weight on my left foot without pain. From 1 to 10 the pain was a 7 yesterday morning, but was up to a 9 or 9.5 when I tried to run on Sunday. I really thought I was out for the count, as I wasn’t even able to walk around my house, sit on my couch, or even lie in bed without a throbbing pain for the last 3 days.
- The miracle man sat me on the massage table to discuss my issue.
- The miracle man then asked me to take my shoe and sock off and lie on my stomach.
- The miracle man then lit up some incense, put on his eagle feather crown, and dragged these giant chicken legs with huge claws up and down my calves. (well, not really, but that sounded good)
- The miracle man performs Active Release Technique. To best describe it, he pokes his thumb down on different points of your muscle (where it hurts) and then has you stretch that muscle, by moving your leg, extending your toes, stretching your foot etc… It’s quite painful, but painful in a good way. You know that good pain you know is releasing the evil.
- The miracle man continues his magic up and down my calf, mentioning I have big issues. Plantar, as you see in the picture below is a symptom of the calf muscles being sore. The calf muscles are tied to the bottom of your foot, and so when my calf muscles were uber tight they eventually affected the entire area under my foot just past my heel.
- The miracle man continues to say that the entire foot can get extremely affected and tense up if you let it go too long.
- The miracle man almost looses his head as he moves to the foot area to perform his work. He touches around asking me where it hurts. I tell him: “Yep, right there. THERE! Yep, that’s it.” So he grabs his thumb and presses in to that exact spot as he pulls my foot up to tighten the calf muscle. A freaking nasty jolt of crazy pain makes me kick my leg out like a donkey kicking back, but the miracle man was ready. Little did I know, he was treating my foot away from his head, as he knew he was always in danger of losing his head to my kick. He’s lucky, because I kicked the bah-jesus out of the air next to his head. Damn that hurt, but he only had to do it once.
- The miracle man continues this good pain experience, releasing the tightness, and stretching my foot, my calves, my toes. Damn, I’m tired. This 15min session was rough!
- The miracle man eventually asks me to sit up and walk around. I can walk! I can’t feel nearly the same amount of pain!
- The miracle man then takes me in to the main room, and introduces me to his assistant. She works on my calf muscles with the TPMassage Ball, Footballer and Baller Block. She works out more pains in my calves, but it feels good. I know things are happening in there. I need to buy one of those roller things, but dang, $129. Yikes!
- The miracle man then moves me to a different massage table, and this is where I am treated like a professional athlete. I get 10 minutes of Electric Muscle Stimulation and heat treatment on my calf muscles. 4 different sticky pads plugged into the system are placed on my calf. This pulsating session works on your muscle, giving you a tingling sensation and waves of electricity, that contract and relax the muscle.
- The miracle man then performs 10 minutes of Ultrasound treatment on the sole of my foot. No pain here, just easy rubbing around the painful areas.
- The miracle man then sends me on my way, telling me I should run the next day and test it out then come back on Wednesday for a 2nd session.
* * This morning (Tuesday) I ran 5 miles with Triscuit and Lulu. No pain. Some tightness on the calf, but no direct pain on the foot while running, or post running. We’ll see how I feel in a few hours, but so far, the miracle man has done wonders. * *
I can’t wait to go back for more on my now seemingly pretty much pain free foot!
Read about Active Release Technique here
Visit the Miracle Man’s website (I used Matt Holt, but I hear great things about AJ Zelinski too.)
I love the Miracle Man.
Welcome to constantly massaging your calves. Welcome to life like the rest of us. Glad to hear you found some relief. With care it'll probably stay away - now that you know why you are doing all that stretching/ massaging etc.
I love him. I love the miracle man.
I'd still consider taking a few days off, better safe than sorry.
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