Monday, March 26, 2007

Dirty looks lead to good looks

I went and got my hair cut at lunch today.
I don’t go to any extravagant place where they give you a glass of wine and they have soothing music like some men I know. Yes, I know, that was probably the most pathetic thing you’ve ever heard. But I guess that’s the life of the metro-sexual Austinite male, and I’m glad I don’t fit in to that category.

I go to Supercuts. Yes, the $13.50 special is perfect. I’ve been going to the same Supercuts store now for 6 years or so, and it’s comfortable. I know the haircutters, and I have the number saved in my phone so I can put my name on the list.

Riiiiiiing, riiiiiiinnnnnng.
-Hello Supercuts
-Yes hello, I’m calling to put my name on the list.
-Your name?
-Mike double u.
- Ok, there’s about a 20-minute wait, so be here in 20 minutes.
- Sounds good, I’ll see you at 11:33.

So I walk in, walk up to the counter, past the 4 people sitting there, and put a check mark next to my name. Sweet! All names above me are crossed off, meaning, I’m next in line. So there I sit as Antonia and Mark are finishing up their current clients, thinking: “Here we go again. These people are going to hate me when they call my name.”
Sure enough, Antonia calls out my name, and all 4 people look at me with the “What the ----?” dirty look.

I always feel bad for a while when this goes down, because technically they were there before me, but hey, I learned the hard way many years ago, and all I’m doing, is teaching them the convenience and time saver you can enjoy when getting your good looks back.

Out the door at 11:46. See you later suckas!


Ron B. said...

Right on.

I pay $8 at Fast Freddy's in my old hood (across from my junior high, Bedichek). I've been going there for the past few years, and they do a good job. Plus, it's cheap, fast, and they don't insist on talking to me. I hate when haircutters make small talk while I'm getting a haircut. I don't know why. I'm an otherwise friendly guy.

Erin said...

Westlake Super Cuts - hell yeah!!

Except they don't really cut my hair in a straight line, and inevitably I end up with croooked pigtails. Oh well, I'm not down with that fancy salon crap either.