Saturday, March 10, 2007

Duck Hunt

While I was sick this week, Karma got to spend a few days with Marla and Eden so that he would get to run around, instead of being cooped up inside with me.

I know he had a great great time. There are several reasons for knowing this. When he came home, he did nothing but sleep for a long long time, and when I took him out to pee and poop, he was pretty groggy, and didn’t do any fart leks or run around in the trail like he usually does.

A little vacation might have turned in to a boot camp for him!

Another fun thing he got to do was go duck hunting. The story goes something like this:

As They ran Town Lake on Friday morning, Karma, Eden and Pfred ran leash free.
Karma spotted some ducks on the shoreline, and he sprinted after them, catching one. Somehow the duck got away and jumped in the water. Karma’s not really a swimmer, but he apparently took off after the duck in the water, who in turn decided to return to shore. Karma followed and sprinted down the shoreline for a few hundred feet and once again caught the duck. Feathers flew!
When Marla and gal pals caught up to him, the duck layed on the ground motionless…
Did he kill…??

The duck eventually got up and jumped in the water. Phew. He didn’t kill it, but he sure gave it a hair cut!

So if you ran town lake yesterday, and saw a bunch of feathers by the Pflueger footbridge... now you know what took place.

Karma 1 - Duck 0

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