Saturday, March 10, 2007

Feeling weak.

I sit here at 5:56am, tired.
I've been sick almost all week, missing 2 days of work with a bad cold.

I forced myself to eat plenty and tried to drink as much as I could, but I still feel weak and exhausted.

Why does this all matter?

I have a 3.3 mile race (yes, i know that's not a 5K, that's a 5K +2. miles) this morning, and I don't feel up for it.

Last week I was too nauseous for running, this week, i'm too weak to perform well.
Great start to my 5K race season.

I'm still going to run, but I'll wait till race time to decide if I just run, or if I race.

Good luck 10K'ers; i'll be thinking of you while I run my 5K.

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