Monday, March 5, 2007

I defeated her

No one took me up on the offer to go trail running today, so I went home, and begged Karma to run with me.
he warmed up to the idea as soon as he saw me open the magical running clothes drawer and went crazy, jumping over pippin 3 times as he raced back and forth in the hall way.

We ran the same route i ran on Thursday and Saturday, with the exception of not stopping anywhere, and kicking up the pace by a good 30-60secs per mile or so. My legs were screaming up the last hill before the nice mulch descent to barton creek, but I didn't let up.

23min56seconds to the water. A new PR by a good 6 or 7 minutes.

After letting Karma wade around and shake off excess water on me, I ran alongthe water's edge to the 'hill of death'. Well i took the side route, so not exactly the HOD. But, instead of cutting my day short, I decided to challenge Miss Blair Witch again and find my way back.

You see, you end up at the top black dot (after a grueling climb from the water's edge 1min47 seconds today!) and then run down the side of a 'cliff' line, and there's supposed to be a cutoff, illustrated here by a green line at the bottom. But I keep missing it and running for miles down the red line. Finally today I found the stupid green trail.

As I took my right turn onto green heaven, i uttered: "Not today, Blair bitch".
She got me, though... I still got a little lost in the maze of little trails around the powerline and added a good 10 extra minutes. (but i'm not sure it counts as being lost like last Thursday. I knew WHERE i was, i just wans't sure WHERE I was exactly.)

Out of car 5:31pm
Back in car 6:37pm
Total Running time 56:56
Miles: Best guess 6.5 to 7. I ran hard, but my legs surprisingly responded well, and it's only been 2 weeks since total body crampdown.

END NOTE: Karma was still doing fart lek sprints down the powerline. He was ready to go another 5. I cant wait for the 'run for the rovers' in early June when Karma will take 1st place. (that is, as long as Hector, the Mexican Missile doesn't race it)


Lulu said...

I may have to take back my Monday answer if you kepe getting lost. Mike got me lost out there last Wednesday, too, so I am kinda hoping to find someone who can get from A to B and back without adding mileage.

Me said...

ahem... i don't recall your asking me or otis to joing you... sniff, sniff.