Sunday, March 25, 2007

Run Updates - March 3 through March 25

Saturday March 3rd – 5 miles on green belt with Hammer and Kelly, Karma, Olive and Scout
Monday 5th – 5 miles on Trail with karma
Saturday March 10th – go For the gold 5.3K + 2 miles warm cool + 3 on trail with Karma = 8miles
Sunday 11th – 5 on trail to test out trail for Monday.
Monday 12th – Trail Run with 10 people. 5 miles
Tuesday 13th – Blue Jacket Workout 3.5 warm cool + 2.5 miles Straights and Curves
Wednesday 14th – 5k/10K Camp Punishment Group Workout - 2: 600@10k /400rec – 3005k / 200rec = 4.5 miles
Saturday 17th – Star Flight 5K - 5 Miles. (seee race report) + 5 miles on greenbelt with Karma
Monday 19th – Trail run. JJ, Missy, Brad. – 6 miles
Tuesday 20th – Big Mark, Triscuit, Panther - Blue Jacket Workout - Torpedo 200s which consists of 200meters at faster then mile pace with 100 recovery x 8 times. 2.5 warm cool. Total 5 miles
Wednesday 21st - Camp Punishment. 2000 @10kpace, 2 x 1000@5k pace, 4 x400 @ 1 milepace. Ouch rthis was really tough, having run two hard days before. Total 6 miles
Sunday 25th – 5 Miles on trail. Very technical trails. I’m beat.

Total: 5+8+5+5+6+4.5-10-6-5-6-5=65.5miles

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to join your trail'll probably have to come look for me. I'll start once I'm done with PP in may...yippee!!