Sunday, March 25, 2007

My week was busy.

At work, I’m super busy trying to move deals forward to have them close by end of month, which is the end of our first quarter. In februray I had a great month, and I’m really wanting to follow that up with a great March. It won’t be as good as February, but I still have a shot at a great March. I walk in to the office, and it’s non stop conference calls, emails, proposals, phone calls until the day is done.
Then, on the non work front, the week was crazy too.
Saturday I ran the Star Flight 5k, I then went home, ate some food, sat on my couch for a few hours, then got Karma and ran the greenbelt for an additional 5 miles making it 10 for the day. (while I was out there I ran into Fagan. Fagan ran several long runs with Ostrich and I last Spring during the 5K/10K program) Fagan has taken up trail running to another dimension. He was running a training run and had started his day at 7am. He was walking back to his car after having run 25 miles. But he wasn’t going home. He was going to eat a couple of avocados, and drink some beer and refill his water bottles, to go back out for another 15 mile. Yes, you see, some people have 40 mile training runs. He’s training for Big Horn 100 miler on June 15th. Ouch.
Then, I went home, ate a bit more food, took a shower and went down town and met up with some friends for St Patrick’s day celebrations which coincided with SXSW as well. Kenny Heather, Ami, Erin, Maggie, Ostrich and I went to GingerMan to listen to a few bands and drink some irish beer. Nothing says Irish like Sunshine Wheat, Bass and Pyramid Hefeweizen!
Most people left but were quickly replaced by Sharon and Katie who had been taking advantage of their charm to get in to free drink parties for SXSW. We hung out at GingerMan for a few more songs and headed to Sushi. After a great suchi meal and a pit stop at Sharon’s (which included some tequila)` we walk over to the beauty bar where Ostrich was manning the VIP entrance. He got us in, and we hung out for a few hours and watched 3 bands. Tilly and the Wall was the best one.
Sunday – I met Panther and his cycling crew for lunch then cleaned the apartment then did something later but forget what.
Monday night I ran the trails and had a few post run brews, then went home for dinner and work on taxes.
Tuesday – a tough Blue jacket speed workout followed by 3 hours of hanging out at the parking lot with Triscuit, Big Mark, Panther, Amber, and Phil.
Wednesday – Another very hard workout followed by Aussies sunshine wheats.
Thursday – 5pm Crawfish boil, followed by a few stops along the pub run route.
Friday – let the office at 3pm for a friends ranch.
Saturday – slept and rolled around the couch.
Sunday = 7am, $224 grocery store session, trail run.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Sorry to tell you, I still won the "Busiest Week" contest. Nice try, though.

(Saturday I think was the tie-breaker. My day was full, yours was full of sleeping.)