Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sidelined - Until further notice

During the marathon training I suffered from what I now can categorize as a medium Plantar Fasciitis on my outer right foot sole. Up by the toes.
I know now that it was medium, because in the last week, my left heel has gotten very very sore. I ran on Tuesay AM, and on Wednesday PM I kicked butt on a speed workout, but I haven't been able to run or even walk properly since then.

While my group runs 10 fun miles this morning, I enviously sit here at my computer unable to even walk correctly.

The pain is constant when I'm not putting any weight on it, and very sharp when I do. It feels like a few dozen needles are stuck in my heel.

So no run today, no trail run tomorrow, no trail run on Monday, and Tuesday's Blue Jacket workout is a gameday decision. I do plan on coming out to my Wednesday workout, even if to just hang with Panther & Co., but running?? well, I'll just stick to trying to "walk without a limp" at this time.

I've already hit my sub 20 min 5K goal, the next big goal is not until May 19 (sub 5 min mile), and then it's all about Chicago in October.

But what do I do about the Belterra 5K? I've already paid so I'm running it.


Amanda said...

You can always start swimming... we'll make you a triathlete yet!

Seriously, sorry to hear about the PF, especially the "walk without a limp" part. After 3 weeks I've only just started to feel like I can walk normally and had a decent run tonight. So trust me, it gets better, but it does take time. Just be patient and give it the time to heal now, while you're not in the midst of marathon training.

PS I need to get your calf stretcher back to you!

Kris said...

That sucks, Wiley. But you can still go buy a bike and come ride with us! :)

MW said...

Amanda, Kris, Thank you for your kind thoughts. Please be so kind to remit a payment of $1500 to me each, so that I can buy all the appropriate gear thoe other sports you suggest require. Thank you.