Sunday, November 18, 2007

24 miles - mission accomplished

We ran 24 miles. Coach Scott M and I. He's also running Dallas, so thank you Sadie and Bruce for telling him to contact me. 4 miles around townlake, then up congress, refill of water bottles at the magical 1926 water fountain, up speedway to 45th, over to to Duval, up Duval to 53rd, then Northloop over to Grover, North on Grover, and merged in with Austin Marathon LAB training run people. It was perfect as we merged in with these pods of runners running 8 - 8:15's, so we had rabbits and rubber bands to pull us along. We ran a loop and a half of the LAB which gave us 4 waterstops to take advantage of, then ran back down Woodview, and a slight variation to the return trip of the Crestivew run.

I started out with a cap, as there was a chance for rain, but come mile 5'ish my head started hurting a bit. Nothing crazy bad, mostly bearable. (you know, the type of headache a tylenol pill cures). So, the next 8 miles up to the waterstop of the LAB was a little painful as the head pains were there. But once I was able to dump it with Carolyn at the waterstop, my headache subsided. Not sure if it was having cool air, or not having a cap constricting the head, or the fact that we'd reached 15 miles, and my feet were sore, so I forgot the head.

Long story short, my GPS showed 23.82miles, and Scott's had 24.24, so we split the difference and decided we nailed 24 miles.
Total time: 3 hours 21 minutes total running including stopping to drink water 6 times here and there. 8min 25 seconds per mile average.

Biggest issue was around mile 18 onwards. The concussion on Wednesday, had me eating sparingly through Friday afternoon, and I definitely felt that lack of energy. I took a total of 5 GU's including the pre run one, so 4 during the run to get me through it.

After the run, went and soaked my legs in the cold waters of Barton Springs, and am now at home with a warm fleece sweatshirt, my warm house shoes, and about to nap to TV, while I eat Pecan Pie mini Tartlets, 2 bananas and a water bottle.

Best part of the run: Didn't turn on my iPod once, and Scott and I had never run before just the two of us, and plenty of running or life stories to tell each other, so the 3+ hours actually felt like it was under 2 hours. Thanks Scott! This would have been a miserable run without you. (I therefore highly recommend running with people outside your normal circle.)

I'm kind of sad the bad headaches and inability to be outdoors in bright daylight is no more, because I was really looking forward to working from home one more day. Then again, no one from work (to my knowledge) reads this, so... (insert sneaky, mischievous laugh here)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're gonna eat your water bottle??? that's a new one;-)

Yay for 24 miles!!!