Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday 9.5 M run - early wakeup

I met up with a new group of runners this morning. Truth be told, I’ve run with them several times during weekend long runs, but haven’t actually specifically met up to run with them during the week before. Lex and Julie had a 60 minute run on their schedule, so I went out and ran 25 minutes with Karma at 5:15am, before I met them at 5:45 for that run. It was about 72 and very humid out, and Karma didn’t like that one bit. When we were running back to the car, I dropped his leash about 50 yards from the car. He proceeded to run another 20 yards, and then just sat down. Poor boy was pooped from the weather, but he was plenty fine when I went back to get him and walk back with him. Loaded him up in the car with a big waterbowl, cracked the windows and met up with Lex and Julie.
Lex isn’t a big fan of running the H&B in the dark, so we ran on the road from the MoPac bridge out along the new sidewalk they’ve made on the northside of Cesar Chavez by the dog pound. Up Lamar, right on 5th, left on congress, around congress, to the Blanton, up speedway a ways, then returned pretty much the same way. A new route interesting route, although I don’t think I’m a fan of so much sidewalk running, and car dodging on the way back.

So as we’re running up north of the capital, this guy (not weird looking by any means) that was about 40 feet from us in a parking lot, speeds up and asks: “Excuse me, where’s that popular tower. You know the one where all the shootings took place?” I told him where to go, then made sure I also added: “By the way, it’s called the UT Tower, and we don’t usually like to refer to it as the tower where all the shootings happened.” Must have been an aggie.

Running at 5:15 sure added a new dimension to the time I actually got OUT of bed this morning (after one 8 minute snooze). If I’m going to be running high mileage until September, I might as well stop complaining and just get used to it!

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