Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fly like Michael Phelps!

Some of you have probably heard about the dude that invented a new workout and recovery drink called PURE SPORT that works here at UT.

Well, it looks like not only are all the kickass texas swimmers drinking it, but there's even a MICHAEL PHELPS product!

Get yours today!

It's only $24.99 for 8 individual 16oz bottles or 15 packets; that means you spend $3.12 for each bottle for your recovery. This stuff may be good, but it's kind of steep pricewise. Especially if you choose to also drink the wrokout stuff. Now you're looking

Perfect for you rich people in those downtown condos!


Unknown said...

The PureSport workout and recovery come in powdered bulk form. The 3lb. workout tub hold 54 servings for $43.00, which = .79 cents per workout. The 3lb. recovery tub holds 19 servings for $33.00, which = $1.73 per recovery.
You can get them here:

Unknown said...

Trolling blogs, much???

I love the nudge towards RunTex. What about Jack & Adams? or Rogue?

Unknown said...

whoops, looks like I'm still logged into one of the GOTR accounts...

This is Shorey (no relation to Russell, up there)