Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Monday Tuesday Wednesday : B - 12

Twelve days out from Boston and people are now starting to ask : "Have you started looking at the weather prognosis?"
My official answer: I look at the temperature on my iphone weather app, when i get up at 5:30am Boston time, then if I remember I try to look at again at 10am Boston time to see how much it heated up. But as for weather forecasts, I refuse to even look up a website until next Wednesday. 5 days is about all I can give a weatherman in terms of ability to semi-half-ass predict with any uncertainty what my race day weather will be.

I did finally have my first little session of "unrest" over the marathon. Up until Monday, I'd been very relaxed, but for some reason, right around 3:30, out of nowhere my brain just switched to :"Holy Shit! We're 2 weeks out!". Since then, I've been feeling pretty relaxed and confident.

We have finally entered the Taper part of our training cycle. Click here if you want to know what Tapering is.
Classic tapers usually last about 3 weeks, but our training is a little more intense as we repeatedly test ourselves on weekends, and it seems like 10-12 days is about right. At least that's what we did for CIM, and I did great with that. I intend to pretty much duplicate that strategy again. Especially for next week.

Monday I took the day off, and took karma for a 30 minute walk on the greenbelt. He was full of energy, and I had the best time playing Hide and Seek with him, since he kept running ahead. I'd duck in behind a big bush or trees, and he'd then sprint one way, the other way, this way, that way, looking for me. It's a little mean, since I can see him freaking out over not finding me, but then when i pop out, he immediately knows it was all for fun and we continue on our hikes.

Tuesday we ran a total of 8 miles, of which 5 were at CV (critical velocity) pace. Pretty much translates into 10 seconds slower than 10K race pace, which for me is right around a 6:20min/mile. I didn't start/stop my watch at all, and instead just stayed relaxed and ran by feel. Bruce said we were "right on track", but since I don't recall discussing paces with him at any point in time, i'm not sure if his "right on pace" and my 6:20 were in synergy. In anycase, I felt great, and tested out some easy accelerations here and there, changing up my form, concentrated on real easy and relaxed breathing etc. A good and short workout.

Wednesday. Today, Bruce, Ken, Damon and I went for a run and ended up with 10.5 miles. Highlight was stopping to check out the permanent bleachers they're installing at the stadium. We wanted to walk up to the fence line to get a closer look, but some construction worked manager who apparently hates his life, or likes to boss people around, wouldn't let us get any closer. Karma's a bitch, buddy. I bet your day is sucking today.

Thursday is a rumored 7 mile steady state run, which I may or may not switch to 7 miles at MGP instead to continue to lock in my pace. Should come out to about 10 miles with warmup/down.

That's all I got for you, as its time to eat a quick (but giant) sammie and get back to work.

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's not really a rumor when Sisson announces it to the group :)

(I have permission to do a track workout so I'll miss you guys. And I missed seeing you speedy boys this morning because I got a late start.)