Thursday, September 17, 2009

Losing steam

I'm still running well, but my interest in posting daily writeups
about my runs is losing steam, as I log the few important details in
my run log file and can't see why anyone would be interested in
reading about this stuff everyday so I think I'll do weekly recaps or
just what i think may sound interesting. Maybe I'll change my mind in
the future.

Here's the last daily one for a while:

10miles today. Legs felt terrible for 5 miles. To the point where if
I was running alone I would have turned around and gone home after
going out for 10 mins. Glad I had company and good conversation,
because it got much better.


brownie said...

Just keep updating your yearly mileage every day.

Shorey said...

I thought you had a similar post WAY back & were just going to post the mileage and anything noteworthy. Then you started writing more & more. I still read, either way.