My friend Muz and I ran for 5 hours yesterday on quite a few muddy trails and what i thought was perfect running weather: overcast, 55 degrees, and a constant threat of rain. Above is the elevation chart of our run per his fancy GPS watch. He sent me a link to the details that his watch gathered, and I was pretty amazed with all the stuff it spits out. Almost made me think about considering buying one just for the pretty graphs, but I think i'll hold off for another few years. (Incidentally, it also claims Muz burned 3,107 calories, and climbed almost 4,200 feet)
We ended up with about 25.5 miles. It rained so much over the last 24 hours that the creek we usually cross was uncrossable. We tried in 4 different places, but the currents were too strong and it just wasn't worth doing something unsafe. Usually 25 miles can be run on almost without running on 1 trail twice, but this time we were limited to the north side of the trail and couldn't take advantage of all the fun to be had in the green area.
Not the end of the world, but quite a bit of overlap.
Picked up the pace towards the end before we did 4 Hill of Love repeats. They sucked, but it's a necessary evil if you're going to get tough. And tougher is what I need.
After the 5 hours adventure, I eventually made it home for a 45 minute nap, and then an hour of just lazing around in my warm bed, I ate a giant bowl of pasta and some chips (salt craving) and plenty of liquids. After that, it was time get up off the couch again to head down to meet friend for pre game fun at 4 before the 7pm game. We won the game and i surprisingly managerd to stay awake for the whole game. Got home, a 15 minute walk with Karma, another big bowl of pasta and finally dove into bed a few seconds before the stroke of midnight. Literally.
Now it's up again to eat something, walk Karma which serves as loosening up my legs, then off to meet Dan and maybe someone else at 8am for another 1.5-2 hour run.
If you think I'm doing anything but eat, lay on my couch, and nap to football or recorded television this afternoon, you've lost your mind!
After today, Bandera 100km is 7 weeks away, which means 5 weeks of solid training left to work on my weaknesses, and increase trail toughness... because I'm certainly not going out there to take pictures and nap under trees for 62 miles. What would be the point in that? ;)
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