Thursday, November 19, 2009

Falling behind, gotta catchup

Just couldn't apply fingers to keyboard to type up the last few runs, so here goes a summary.

Saturday - marked 2 weeks since the race. I took Thursday and Friday off, so decided to give 3 hours a shot to test the legs. Ran the first hour with Karma, then met up with Jason, George and David for another hour and a half at a mellow pace, then left them as they headed back to their cars and ran a crazy fast pace for 25 minutes along the bottom of the greenbelt up towards the Hill Of Life and raced up the hill of life as hard as I possibly could. My legs were in serious distress (as i reached that left turn), but I kept fighting through the lactic acid attack and got it done. I pronounced my legs back to 80% bounce.

Sunday - Muz and I headed out to run a hill workout. Total time was 2 hours and 25 minutes for approximately 15.5 miles. That doesn't sound incredibly fast, but if you consider that about 7 of those miles were uphill, it's a pretty decent pace. I refused to walk a single portion of the climbing and pretty happy about the workout.

Ended up with 48 miles for last week, which isn't half bad for the second week after a race. Should have been 58 miles, but technical difficulties impeded my ability to run on Thursday morning.

Tuesday was back to the roads and ran a ridiculously fast pace run with the guys i usually run with out there. It had been a long time since i decided to run with them, since our schedules have been off and they raced a marathon in October, so it was nice to laugh and chat with them for the run. They're fast, and i'm determined to at least once a week run with them to keep some sort of turn over going to not lose too much speed and have a real shot at a sub 3 in Boston. The pace was fast and furious for the first half or so till some of them (the Hello Kitty crew) cut off for a shorter run. (bunch of pansies, if you ask me). We slowed it down to a more comfortable fare yet still ended up going an average 7:22/mile for 11.6 miles. Hadn't run that fast of faster for that long since Stockholm marathon on May 30. That's 5.5 months ago!
Here are the splits according to Bruce's Garmin:

1 8:06
2 7:31
3 7:26
4 7:18
5 7:12
6 7:31
7 7:07
8 7:32
9 7:22
10 7:19
11 7:01
0.62 6:42 pace
11.62 miles - 7:22 overall pace

Wednesday- ... i went out and ran some hillwork on my own. My calves were really unhappy with me, which is precisely what I want. I love the little workout i've invented. I did 2 sets of it. Next week, I'll go for 3. About 7 miles worth of running. Karma joined in for my warm-up. He had a blast in the cold weather, flying around the corners of the warm-up trails! The TV highlight of the day was when I was lighting up the trail ahead for Karma and i missed seeing a root at my feet, which my left foot caught a hold of. Usually I'm one of the best at avoiding a fall (due to great footwork abilities) but this time, the root hooked my foot and i couldn't bring it around fast enough to stay upright. I performed a better flying act than Superman ever did for the half second i was airborne, then landed pretty hard on my left side as I turned in the air to avoid some rocks on the right side of the trail. Jacked myself up pretty good, but I had a workout to do, so I continued on like anyone not wearing Hello Kitty socks would.

Today, yet again, all the boys except for Charles were wearing their Hello Kitty socks and opted for lower miles, so eventually it was Charles and I running around town for about 14 miles. The pace was nice once we left team Hello Kitty. I can't believe they even bother to get out of bed on a cold morning for the short distances they run. ; )

Tweaks: After the Tuesday run, I could feel aches and pains in my legs. Specifically on my right leg in a small outside muscle about the "ankle egg". It's really sore, but only when i'm not in action. Once I'm running it's fine - it's no injury. In yesterday's superman fall, i tweaked my knee and my shoulder pretty good. The shoulder shows no sign of pain, but I could feel something going on in the inner-upper-side of my left knee today on the downhills today. A day off tomorrow should do it plenty good, especially since i don't return to the hard pounding of asphalt until next Tuesday.

I'm taking full advantage of Thanksgiving weekend with my training, so coming up is possibly the toughest week of training in my career, (rivaling the 3 successive 100 mile weeks from 15 months ago). Definitely the toughest trail running week, with 30 miles (48km) this Saturday, again on Thursday, then again on Saturday (down in Bandera) with possible prep and recovery runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Hopefully I find a friendly face to join me for a few of those miles on Thursday morning. Regardless, I can't wait to take on the challenge!

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