Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bandera photos from Sunday

Got great weather Sunday as opposed to cold and foggy weather on saturday.

Went running a little after sunrise. 40 degrees and quickly warming up. Many trails look like this. It's usually great fun to run in these trenches but not so much this weekend when the dirt is turned to mud from the rains and it sticks to your shoes adding pounds of weight.

Snapped a bunch of pictures of my shadow hoping to catch a couple of good ones... Here's one of two I like.

The sun comes up over one of the many Texas Sotol Cactus trails. See... There's no way to NOT run through the teethy leaves!

On top of Sky Island after I finally found it!

If you're going to run hill repeats, leave your hydration pack at the top so you HAVE to come back up! (the streamers are the trail markers that were used for yesterdays HCTR Club Run. I was out picking them up this AM as part of my Sunday run. It was easiest to just nip them on to me than to carry a bag.

As u can see by the dirt on ny car, it was muddy out there, and
I was the last one standing on Sunday morning.

I took some videos... Stay tuned for those!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how do you like the new shoes?