Sunday, September 25, 2011

Anatomy of "All Day Pace"

I had tons of issues with my Garmin yesterday.
Most of them due to the fact that: I forgot to turn it on, or back on after water stops, or I would press Lap split instead of STOP.  Despite all that, here are most of the mile splits, not how my pace goes to hell towards the end as soon as I hit the Town Lake trail that I hate so much.  Those slower paces felt like a snail would be passing me at any moment. (no offense to anyone that reads this.  paces are relative.  You'd feel the same running 30-45 seconds slower than yours)

The 9:22 is due to walking while eating and drinking stuff after a water break.
There's a 8:34 right at the end, but that's because I got a good song, and some guy ran by and I could sense he thought his 8:45 pace was cool, so I had to show him who's boss even though I was at 32 and he was probably at mile 3. "Don't test me, weekend jogger."


Finally, this is weird...
When i map out the route on GMAP, it comes out to 35.35 miles, but on my Garmin it's almost 1.5 miles less. I may have to start thinking that I accomplished 35.

1 comment:

Muz said...

online software applies corrections depending on the options...