When: 6:15am, Monday, Aug 14
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: not sure, about 27mins or so. (left watch on nightstand)
Company: Karma on double length leash and Eden leashless
Weather: Humid as always ~79F
My nipples still get irritated from the running. I thought 3 miles would be fine, but after the 2nd loop, I had to ditch the shirt. (yeeeeouch!)
There were many deer, and Eden wanted to dart off after them, but was polite and stayed close as I called her name. Karma was yelping with excitement, as we usually let them take off and chase them. I was however a little weary as it was still kinda dark, and I didn't want the dogs to slam into a barbed-wire fence.
Come the 3rd loop, the sunrise was incredible. I didn't have a camera, but trust me when I tell you the sunrise today was magnifique! Did anyone else see it? (Right around 6:45.)
I think I may need to buy me some of these: NipGuardsas the bandaids I bought last week are not staying put. Or, I just need to find other bandaids. Incidentally, next time you walk in to Whalgreen's or CVS, ask for the bandaid section, and look at all the choices one has. It's insane how many different bandaids are available today.

Today's a vacation day. Well, not a 'fun-filled fruity drink at the pool" vacation, but a day off to help load some of our furniture onto a trailer. Marla's mom is trading for our big Office furniture, so need to be home and help load.
Body Glide does wonders for the specific area that you are having chafing problems with; I never have a problem when I use it there.
I actually use deodorant. Well, not for your problem - a sports bra takes care of that for me, but I use it on my feet where I tend to get blisters and it works great. Maybe it would help with your, um, issue? I just use the cheap stuff - Suave naturals stick. Much less expensive than Body Glide. I suppose you could also try wearing a sports bra. Maybe Marla would let you try one of hers? (kidding)
so i tried a new set of bandaids this morning. (some i got a 3M half in Jan)
they didn't even last 15 mins.
Not sure if Deodorant will mix well with painful nipples, but could be a cheap option once healed.
I'm getting a fresh batch of body glide soon. I can't wait.
I don't want to try the bra, just yet.
I use body glide too. No problems when I remember to use it. Screaming agony in the shower when I forget.
Yeah, the bra should probably be left as a last resort. Let's hope you don't have to go there.
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