Monday, September 18, 2006

Scenes From an Airport - Episode 1 - Austin Bergstrom International

Everyone knows a road warrior, or at minimum, is familiar with the concept. The strong-willed business man, that spends more time in the seat of a plane, than sleeping in their own bed. They travel all week, then come home to see their wife and family for a couple of weekend days before they're off again.
I know one, and these are his stories.


Episode 1 - Austin Bergstrom International

It is my home airport and one of the best in America for a number or reasons. On-site Salt Lick, Amy's, Breakfast Tacos from a variety of vendors, a good book and news offering, and live and piped-in local music.

Today is the day after Austin City Limits Music Fest and it is early…very early. This crew are the early birds ready for the first flight home…or maybe the late night owls that never went to bed.

Either way, I am not sure most of them are rushing back to any formal employment. They are the segment of every city in America that now wishs they lived in Austin, Texas. These folks know their music and could probably identify bands that played on the seventh or eighth stages. They are keeping the American vintage stores in business and fly Southwest in droves. There is a guy sitting across from me that is eating his girlfriends ear while she puts on her makeup. Apple would be proud as everyone has on an iPod and many are wearing straw cowboy hats…I guess since they came to Texas.

I really want a breakfast taco, but these out-of-towners have apparently discovered our breakfast of champions and are lined up in droves. It may be a surprise to some, but they don't have breakfast tacos up north.

I number of folks are carrying guitars…I can image them all conducting their own mini-concerts at ACL…I guess there is a chance one is the guitarist from Gnarls Barkely. I could recognize any guitarist that played in the 80's or early 90's, but I have long given up my subscription to Kerranggg.

It is 45 minutes to my Southwest flight and the first guy has decided to make a move to form a line. He wanted to ensure his position as #1 in the "C" line. That is still a middle seat buddy, but I guess you can pick your seat mates.

The guy across from me is undetered from the growing crowd waiting for this flight. He is now mounting up on his girlfriend. She is completely unaffected and continues with vigilence to apply make-up … this must be the 3rd or 4th layer. A face is starting to form under there. The business travelers are starting to arrive…oh yeah… I am one of those, I forget sometimes.

The greatest thing about Austin is this crowd is not much different from what you will find any Monday morning at ABIA. At least it is not filled with giddy Ohio State fans this week. Oh my, I don't think you are allowed to do that in an American airport. Everyone is making the move to line up…better secure my spot in line "B."

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