Sunday, September 17, 2006

Whoosher's Pups.

A friend of mine, Ross Spencer, a.k.a. Whoosher, is a fellow dog lover. Earlier this year, he purchased the absolute, ultimate toy. A remote controlled camera that he set up at home, and you can watch on the internet. Anyone whom he gives access to can easily move the camera around, zoom in and out etc. He got it so he could check out his dogs and see what they do all day. As suspected, they just hang out and lounge around…

A great concept, and a hysterical toy to partake in while sitting at work, but it also has a creepy side. I watched Whoosher and his wife Angie prepping dinner, drinking a crown and water, and telling his pups to say "hi" to me before he decided to go shut down my web access. I wonder what happens at the Spencer's once he turns that camera off...

Suffice it to say, Angie and Ross recently celebrated the birth of their first child. Welcome "Lil' Whoosher", Welcome!!

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