My friend Ross Spencer, who just recently moved to a nice house in Steiner Ranch, and whose wife recently gave birth to his first son spent this spring campaigning.
He was relentless in pursuing his dream of meeting Jesse ' The Body' Ventura and the candidate for Governor pictured above. For about a month he asked and re-asked everyone he knew, to vote for him as Kinky's number one fan, which would give him two free passes to Kinky's $500 a plate benefit at Willie Nelson's ranch. By the pictures, you can obviously see that he succeeded.
I wonder if men in their middle 30's, who have a pregnant wife, a 540i BMW, and a new house, are drawn to rebellious cowboys , or if it really just was for fun as he claimed. Personally, I think the former.
If you're planning on voting today, I'm not sure if you should or should not vote for Mr. Friedman, but I do want you to do me this one favor... Think of Ross, and all he did to earn his two free spots at the party, and then, remember how damn ugly Jesse Ventura has gotten since he was Governor in Minnesota. Do you want to run the risk of having an ugly cowboy as Governor for the next few years? (or should that even matter?)

That was Jesse "The Body" Venture. You're thinking of Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
thank you.
I didn't really follow wrestling.
Don't disrespect the WWF, unless you want to hear from the People's Elbow!
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