Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wanna trade?

This is what I get to do this weekend... let me know if you want to trade for any of these events. Straight up trades only.

1pm - Carbo Load
2:45pm - Head out to Fredricksburg for wedding.
4:30pm - Wedding in Fredricksburg
6:30 or no later than 7pm - head home and listen to UT game on Sirius, then switch to TV
8pm - Carbo load.

4:30am - Wakeup, two bowls of cereal down throat, walk karma so he hopefully poops, then hopefully I poop too.
5:30am - Depart for Motive 1/2 Marathon
6:20am - run 4 mile warmup
7:30am - Run Motive Bison Stampede 2006 1/2 Marathon
9:04:30am - Finish line
9:30am - Zoom home
10am - take Karma for another quick walk, shove food down throat.
11am - Depart for Riverplace country club
11:30am - shotgun start, Company Golf Tournament
5pm - hopefully done playing.
6pm - Eat then go to bed.
10pm - wake up to let Karma out


brownie said...

So you ran 2:04:30? And what's with the four mile warmup, ain't that a bit long?

Anonymous said...

acctually, i ran a 1:32:46. race report to come.

Amanda said...

where's the race report Mike? I'm eagerly waiting for it! Congrats on a superb time!!!