Friday, December 29, 2006

Need new Blog name

I switched over to Google Blogger a few weeks ago, but today decided to switch out the look and feel. I'm not entirely satisfied, but it's a start. I like blue, but maybe this is too much blue. But then again, you can never have enough blue.

I also need to switch from: "Life after Dripping Springs" to a new title.

Any ideas?


Rob said...

"personal record" would be nicely generic, and a pun! get it! ha!

Buzz said...

How about:

The Legend of Wiley Continues

JohnF said...

You need a play on words:

"The Adventures of Wiley Coyote, the Road Runner"

By coincidence, I was thinking the same thing with my blog name as I switch over - but haven't come up with anything witty enough

Mike said...

Damn you! I was going to give my blog a new look beat me....but my name will remain the same.

How about your "I can't remember the first part, but refined," motto...(think two HH's ago)

Erin said...

"Bring it"

"Just South of the Dot"

"I'm Ready for it"


"I'm not in Boston"

Amanda said...

Just saw your poll but didn't like the choices so I didn't vote, plus I'm not a citizen so I didn't think I could anyway ;)

How about "Size 10, 2005 Brooks Radius"? or "Who Stole my Shoes"?

Tiffany said...

"Me Without My Running Shoes"

Get it?

Yea- I am lame.