paula: guess what happened to me this morning
dawalrus: what?
paula: At 630am I opened my back door and a bird apparently was stuck under my patio and flew into my house, it took me an hour and half to get the bird out of my house. it would fly up and down and around and upstairs and then hide in my christmas tree,Finally I thought it flew out the front door and I closed all the doors, got dressed... then I come out and flies down and hits me right in the head! it was getting tired So I trapped with a broom in those half windows above the real window in my living room and grabbed a towel and caught it cause it was so tired... it was freaking out in the towel I was screaming and I ran outside and threw it and it flew away
dawalrus: nice
dawalrus: i bet it's taking a nap now!
dawalrus: i'm going to blog your story.
paula: look I am not doing the story justice
paula: that bird would dive bomb me
dawalrus: haha
paula: and I was screaming running around in my bathroom with a broom
paula: Josie is barking going crazy
dawalrus: haha
paula: this is bird incident #6 at my house
dawalrus: HAHAH
paula: another one was in my house and I didnt know it, I was laying on the couch sick with food poisoning... and all of a sudden it flies down from upstairs at my while I was downstairs on the sofa
paula: this was a while back
paula: I screamed so loud my neighbor came running over...He helped me trap it in a plastic bag... Not before it flew all over the house shitting everywhere
paula: hen a pigeon Flew into my window and committed suicide
paula: I was again on the sofa watching a movie and it dive bombed into the window and blood everywhere
paula: Birds hate me
paula: so now I have had a total of 4 birds that have flown in my house when the door opened... One in the dryer and one that has comitted suicide
dawalrus: HEHEH
paulalina: That one that was in my dryer flew out and I just nearly wet my pants
dawalrus: LOL
Thanks Mike for posting my morning drama. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep these birds away? I mean other than the obvious, dressing up like an owl and sitting on my roof???
I must fight back!
Charlie was sitting on the couch a couple years ago watching 'The Birds'. Right at a pivotal moment in the movie a bird dive bombed the sliding glass door in the living room. Scared the shit out of him. He had a long stretch there where he would get attacked by mockingbirds all the time too.
I think some people just attract birds!
I think the owl outfit is your best bet!
Good Story.
Wiley- you're breaking posting records today!!
Paula your bird dilema distresses me. I too had a similar problem when The Colonel and I were hunting Passenger Pigeons using dynamite.
On second thought, no our problems were quite different. I wish you luck with your foul fowl.
Thanks for the advice! I guess I am just one of those people that attracts birds...Lucky me!
Rabbit... who are you? I can't make out who you are..
Wiley, I am a team member of your's on the greatest team in the world; Team Pain Train. Please see my profile for a picture of me. Maybe I should have posted a picture of my backside for that is probably what you would recognize from our runs together.
I think it's Panther.
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