I seem to do Laundry all the time. Just last week, I did every single bit of laundry I could. The last load even contained the clothes I was wearing, because I put on fresh new clothes after I showered to have EVERYTHING clean. You’d figure once you take of business to the extent that I just did, that you should be set for weeks on end with no need to even glance towards the washing machine. But no. My laundry basket is already erupting, and begging to be emptied.
Another thing I hate is putting all the laundry up. I take it all out of the dryer, spread the shirts carefully out on the bed and the collective weight of each on top of the other causes a ironing effect. I sort the socks, roll up the shorts, and running shirts, and put them in their respective drawers. But the stack of shirts, they all just sit there. For some reason, grabbing the hangers and hanging them up is very difficult for me. I tell myself that they need to iron themselves a few days, so they need to lie in a neatly and stretched out pile for a minimum of 72 hours.
Actually come to think of it, I washed all those clothes 2 weekends ago, which means that it’s been, 16 days since the last session. 16 days of workout clothes, boxers, shirts, socks, pants, adds up. I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about… nevermind.
But still, eventhough I don’t even know what I’m talking about… laundry is just this never ending annoying thing.
I hate doing Laundry. HATE IT.
Wait 'till you have kids. Then the laundry saga REALLY begins. It is like a bottomless pit in my closet!
You'll never be a triathlete. Forget needing to be able to swim. You need to be able to deal with 3x the laundry.
I don't know how Amanda copes ;)
Just do a little bit every day or every second day. I guarantee it will make your life easier :)
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