But I think I’m finally ready. I hadn’t been to the grocery store in 2 weeks and my fridge was down to eggs, milk and some other spread able condiments. 7:30am Sunday shopping is where it’s at. No one is there, and $224 dollars later, my home is once again stocked.
Here are a few things I learned from Meredith that I need to change. Overall she said I’m a good eater, but I should change some ingredients.
1- Mike needs to eat more dark greens. (broccoli, spinach, peas, green beans, and whatever else is green)
2- Keep eating fruits, but turn it up a notch more.
3- Bread is good, but cut down on white bread, and replace with Whole Wheat. (There are also some fake wheats out there to look for. Do NOT buy the one that claims to be wheat but when you look at the ingredients, you read Enriched Flour as the first ingredient. ) That’s just white flour that’s messed with a bit.
Side note: I once watched a TV show that said that when you look at the ingredients under the nutritional value chart on a pack of food, the first ingredient is the one there’s most of, the 2nd is the one there’s second most etc...
4- Keep eating all the pasta you eat, but eat more Wheat Pasta, and not the regular pasta. So I bought 2 packs of the wheat pasta. We’ll see how that goes.
5- Cereal before my long runs. I don’t like oatmeal so I won’t eat that. Cereal as I usually eat is good, but she suggested to not eat 2 bowls of the “Honey Nut Clusters” I eat, and instead buy some Kashi, or Muesli or something else with less sugar. So I did. We’ll see how that tastes.
6- More snacks. I bought snacks; Dried Craisins, dried bananas, apples, bananas, clementines, string cheese, and crackers. I need to eat more of these.
Based on my running, my body weight etc. I should eat:
I have a whole bunch of information as to what I should eat during those eating sessions, but I’ll spare you the details.
Oh yeah, and I need to drink 80oz of water a day. That’s on top of the water I consume during a run, or right after as recovery. Ouch.
So there you have it. The new and improved Mike. The one that will attempt this on Monday Paril 2nd full time.
This week, I’m only ½ way committed. I need to ease into this brown rice, wheat bread, wheat roll, multi grain life.
In case you’re wondering:
I don’t’ have to cut down on my crazy cheese intake, I can still eat philly-cheese-steaks with chips and queso on Fridays, I’m still planning on Sunshine Wheat being my post workout friend(it has wheat!), and no, I won’t be wearing Guaraches, or shorts made out of hemp, just adding better energy intake to my life.
You got me thinkin'. We need to start making hemp technical shirts - we can sell them at the Keep Austin Weird 5K.
The same thing applies to pasta as bread. Read the ingredients. Make sure it is 100% whole wheat pasta and not a blend (Healthy Harvest and Barilla Plus are blends). I don't know where you shop but Whole Foods have good choices and, believe it or not, Walmarts brand tastes good and is cheap.
Don't tell her I said this, but M really knows what she's talking about. Helped me out quite a bit. And yeah, there just might be a Whole Foods in Austin...
Hemp Shirts... lets look into it. We'll have to include a dab of Bodyglide for the race or we'll have a bunch of pissed off SoCo weirdos after us.
Thanks catwoman, i'll look into Whole foods. Usually that's just my electrolyte and cheese store.
AWWWW...the love!! Sorry to just now see this for the first time, but appreciate that you were/are actually listening to me :)
Thanks JT, even though you don't follow any of the advice I give to you!!
Meredith, no worries... I wasn't expecting you to be reading all my posts!
Once i'm healed and ready to train, i'll be using all you gave me like a bible.
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