Saturday, March 10, 2007

Runners... Give my your opinion please

Ok, a lazy saturday afternoon has me surfing the web, and reading running blogs...
So I came across one that had this listed as the blog owner's Personal Records(PR):
10k – 42:05, First half of 3M Half Marathon, Austin, 2003
Half-Marathon – 1:31:40, 3M Half Marathon, Austin, 2003
What's your opinion on that?

Can one grab part of a long distance race and call that particular section a PR(Personal Record)?

I think that's complete BS. What do you think?


Me said...

that's interesting. they do have mats at the 10K mark so you can get a verifiable and accurate chip time. but still, it seems seemly and untoward for some reason. i would tend to say, although i can't really articulate a rational reason for it, that an official PR should only be for a race of that distance. so there!

all of this begs the question as to why you were surfing the web on this gorgeous day instead of hanging out at BS with me. surely mike l. was there too...

JohnF said...

On one hand, it is the fastest they ran that distance, so it is their record.

On the otherhand, if the course is not certified at that distance, how can one always be sure the timing mat is correctly placed for that distance. Sometimes they seem to be placed for convenience and to verify people did not cut the course rather than for a specific distance.

Amanda said...

I think it's all fair game. To turn it around a bit - does a marathon PR count if it's part of an Ironman? Abso-fucking-lutely! Not that I'm planning to PR my marathon time in my Ironman, but hey, if it was to happen I would gladly take the PR!

Anonymous said...

I vote no but, on a whole, who cares? With the weight of the world,wars and such, why bother with such petty queries.

MW said...

Amanda, I agree, but see, the marathon is part fo the ironman. If you were to say thet the 10k, within your ironman marathon was a pr, then I'd object, but if you run a pr in your marathon during an IM, i'll be the first to congratulate you, and back you up!

Ami, had you used the technology at your fingertips to call me and invite me out there, i'd a been there, but you didn't, so I surfed the web.

John, right on!

Who else? I need opinions!

Unknown said...

I say no. What if John is right and the mat isn't exactly where it needs to be. I believe we've all raced here enough to know this does happen. Not too mention I could use the 10K from the ARA race this year...that was the only good section of the race for me that day;)

However, if Amanda pr's her marathon at the IM I will say yes to her for a pr:)

Buzz said...

I say that if there is a timing mat at the 10K point then yes, obviously the next time they run a 10K race that will be their new PR assuming they run harder in the race.

brownie said...

If you read it on the internet, it must be true!

I say give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Not like he's claiming a world record or anything. Just shows he went out way too fast and died the last half of the race.

Tiffany said...

I have mixed emotions. I would say it is OK... especially if it happened to me :)

More importantly... Join the online NCAA BlogLand bracket contest- any and all are invited to strut their stuff!

Password is basketball

JohnF said...

I posted two sides of the argument, but it does not really bother me if someone else claims a PR as a sub-set of another race (and I absolutely agree a marathon in a ironman counts).

For myself, I probabbly would not count it unless I really kicked ass and there was a reasonable certainty of a valid distance.

Now, if a bet were riding on it that might be a different story.

Ron B. said...

I'll let you know if I ever run my fastest 10K within a longer distance race - that hasn't happened yet...

Unknown said...

It doesn't count, if it isn't a certified distance.

At the 3M I ran my PB 22 mile time, my PB 10k, my PB 5k time and probably my fastest mile too, but the only one that would matter would be the half marathon as that's the only certified course.

Rob said...

yeeeah, sorry, i listed my 5 mile PR as the first half of my 10 mile PR. in that case, it was an out-and-back, so i know it was an accurate 5 miles. for me, the next time i run the turkey trot (unless there's some other five mile race out there), that's the time i have to beat. so, i'm not trying to cheat, i'm actually screwing myself...

Lulu said...

I say no. I think it is great to say 'I ran my fastest 10K the first half of XYZ..' in fact I said the same for the first 3 miles of FYF. But I think if you are going to quote a PR it has to be a race of that distance. My 10K PR was 49(ish) at IBM this year. But I have ran 10K is less since then. Until I actually go out and do it in a race, I won't count it.

Buzz said...

What if you ran your fastest 10K on the last 10K of a marathon, and PRed the marathon too?

KP said...

A PR or a PB (Gordon) is just that: "PERSONAL" - it's not up for judgment, scrutiny, or official review. It doesn't have to be on a certified course, it doesn't have to be at the distance you actually stopped running, and it doesn't have to be measured on a stopwatch with a satellite up link to the atomic clock.

I remember when I finally decided that running didn't have to suck or be a direct result of my soccer coach's bad mood. I quieted my own inner doubter and entered the Cap 10K on a lark, and every step over 4 miles was a non-stop distance PR for me. For me. And 8 years later, I still remember that feeling of accomplishment.

I remember when I drank the Krazy Koolaid and convinced Buzz to train with me for our first marathon. We looked with horror at a week's worth of training runs that totalled over 10 miles(!). Every lap we completed on our neighborhood 5K loop was recorded with ecstatic diligence in an online journal. Every improvement was a PR. Every PR was motivation and affirmation.

I remember when I ran because it was fun and rewarding - when hitting the pavement, trail, or track was stress-relief, not another source of analytical anxiety.

Let the Blogger and his/her PR be. While you're at it, give yourself credit for all of your non-official accomplishments too!

brownie said...

Of course, Wiley can't count the final mile of the Austin marathon as a PW, since he had someone carrying him. Outside aid is an automatic disqualification.

MW said...

All of you that are saying that it's all good are too soft.
*add high pitch girlie voice* "Yeah, it counts, because it's a distance, and it's valid, and don't be so hard, and we need more love on this earth, and I like Hello Kitty sticker on the back of my calculator"

A PR is a PR on a certified course of that particular distance only.

So you can run a 2mile time trial on a track and record it as a PR, because the track is accurate, but you can't take the 2 downhill miles within a long distance race and call those your two mile PR. What's wrong with you guys.

Let's not forget that I make the rules on this planet.

Buzz said...

I also say Wiley should take the Congress Ave mile off of his PR list because we all know that it is a joke race. One mile straight down hill, please. In Nam we had to run through rice patties with Charlie shooting at us while we were carrying dead water buffalos so that they could shield our backsides. Also we were in a country that used the metric system wich makes all of those Ks more meaningful.

Ron B. said...

RE: "Let's not forget that I make the rules on this planet."

Wiley, this bein' the truth in all, begs the question, why did you ask our opinions?