Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Try it. Staple the other side.

Everyone staples the top left side of a multi-page document. If you’re right handed, try this instead:
Go ahead and break the norm and staple the top right side of the document. It’s a much more comfortable flip of the page.

Although it will look very odd to see a staple on the other side, I think you’ll enjoy the ease with which your right hand flips the pages over, instead of awkwardly having to use your left hand.


Tiffany said...

You are genius. Genius! I must share with my dorky office mates the next time I am back in the office (in the year 2012)

Kris said...

Huh. That's pretty damn brilliant, actually.

Ron B. said...

This post reminds me of Phil Hartman's SNL character, "The Anal Retentive Chef."

Rob said...

in Asia, they staple on the right-hand side. i learned this watching "Harvey Birdman, Atty. at Law," with the commentary. their Asian animation team puts staples on the right hand side.