Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My mom.

As my mom lives 7 time zones away, I don’t get a chance to talk to her too often.  (Don’t get me started on how rarely we actually get to “see” each other in person.  But it’s OK.  My family has always been stretched out across the world, and it’s been like that for twenty-four years, and we’ve adjusted quite well.  Some schools of thought loosely call what we are “Global Nomads”.  Go ahead and “google it”.)

However, once in a while, I surprise her with a phone call as I’m heading to work in the morning.  We talk for all of 15 minutes or so, but it’s refreshing and certainly uplifting to hear her voice.  (You people that get to talk to your parents every other day, or those of you who get to see your parents once a month, or even multiple times a week don’t know how good you have it.)

Once thing I like about my mom, is that she has great perspectives to share, and she has a good sense of humor.  Yesterday, she showed great insight onto something I’ve been struggling to try and understand.  The conversation went something like this.

Mom: So how’s Karma.  Me:  He’s fine.  That’s good.  Yep, although it’s pretty weird.  He can pretty easily run for an hour and a half on the greenbelt leash free.  Like Sunday, we ran about 9 miles, and he did great.  But when I take him on a run on the street, or around the lake downtown on a leash, the kid acts like he can’t even run 3 miles.  He just slows down.   Well, Michael, I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if someone had a leash on you when you were running either.

See what I mean?  Mom’s are great at finding the source of the issue, and relating it back to things you can understand.  I love my mom.  I wish I could have her on conference calls with disgruntled customers with me.


Amanda said...

I completely agree with everything you just said. Mum's are the best. I wish I could see mine more often too!

Mark said...

Yeah, mine is 6 time zones away, I know how you feel.

Isn't it funny how even as we age, Mums/Moms still stay one step ahead.

Kris said...

Moms are awfully nice people to have in your life.

BTW, what language do you speak with your mom??

MW said...

That conversation actually took place in swedish, but i decided to translate it for you guys.