Monday, March 17, 2008

They're back, and they were happy to show it.

I went on a trail run this morning with Karma before work. It's rare that I run a headlamp run on my own, so that, combined with overcast skies made it for for quite the dark run, even with new batteries in the light.
The run was nice, as it was in the mid-50’s and as always, I was the only 2 legged mammal for miles around. I’m not too glad to report that I got caught unprepared was greeted in the face by a giant spider web about 8 minutes into the run. Before the cold season, I’d automatically grab a stick and wave it like a car’s windshield wiper as I ran.
Today, I got webbed. What a treat! Then I grab a stick, but obviously didn’t start waving, because I got “webbed in the face” again a couple of minutes later.
I still had webbing in my hair when I got home and got in the shower. Good times!

About 4 miles in total, and no IT Band pains.


Slingshot said...

I really loved the few trail runs I've done, but to be honest seeing the stuff about spider webs you and Lulu have hit just freaks me out completely. I just can't deal with creepy crawlies. And now that is always in the back of my mind when I think about maybe going out on the greenbelt, so I end up on the H&B trail or the roads.

MW said...

Well, it's not thaaat bad, but yes, spider webs suck, but I get used to being the spiderweb guy after a few runs in them.
The first runner'is the one that gets it the worst, which is usually me.
But, once other runners or mountain bikers have paved the way, it's free flowing. Spiders are there more for us as we run at 6am, and we also run on trails that are pretty much deserted.
Some day you should join us on a weekend run when your coach doesn't have you spending all your hours cycling.

Lulu said...

Mike is right - spiders are usually only bad in the dark. So if you head out there at a normal hour of the day you will be fine.

But I gotta say - seeing grown men dance around and scream like little girls when they run into a big old web - totally worth it!!

Looks like Friday ought to be a treat for us, huh, Mike? I call not first!