He was prancing around the apartment, his tails wagging non-stop, banging into walls, slapping coasters off the coffee table, singing repeatedly:
We’re going ru-nning!I couldn’t deny him his fun, so off we went. Sore old dad, and Karma leading the way.
We’re going to the trai-ail!
We’re going ru-nning!
I’m gonna chase some dee-eer!
I’m going to pee on tree-ees!
Hey Dad, let’s try a new trail today!he said, as he hopped into the rental Chrysler 300, and muddied up the front seat. (My Car's at the shop, and the rental lady went through the details of the rental agreement, and clearly said ‘No Pets’. “mmmkay” I said and nodded, while I crossed my fingers behind my back. No pets! Ha! Whatever lady, it’s a RENTAL.”)
So we took off on a new trails that goes deep down into Barton Springs, and follows a dry creek. The dirt trail zigzags around trees, and ‘rollercoaster’ it’s way through a oak and cedar forest – very cool. It then hits a hill, and you run with rock on one side, and a 30 foot drop on the other. I figured dumbass dog, would come barreling down the trail, and one of us would end up at the bottom but all went fine.
Total run: 40mins, about 4miles. A hilly and mediocre technical trail; it’s my 2nd favorite back there.
After work was the monthly PubRun. We visited 5 bars… El Arroyo, Mean Eyed Cat, The Tavern, Dog & Duck, and Opal Divine’s. We started off with close to 30 pubrunners, and by the last bar we were up to around 40. Needless to say, I cabbed it home. What a blast!
Total run : 4Miles
Total for the day: 8.
We need to get out on the trail soooooon!!
I mean..... we need to get out on the trail soooooon brought to you by Speedo.
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