Sunday, October 1, 2006

IBM Uptown Classic 10K Race Report. (October 1, 2006)

Wednesday Afternoon Group Workout, Coach Speech:
“…Guys, don’t go out too fast on Sunday. The first two miles are downhill, and you can’t go out too fast or it’ll come back to haunt you later. Just don’t do it”
Got it. I won’t go out too fast.

Friday, Reading race plan on Forum:
“…OK, so you know your date pace for 10K, this should be the time you try to run for your first mile. If you are too fast, SLOW DOWN!”
Got it. I won’t go out too fast.

Saturday night email from Marla:
“…You will hear it over and over but the first two miles are so fast. Take it easy.”
Got it. I won’t go out too fast.

I came in to the IBM 10K having never run it before, and a little unsure of my current abilities on a longer race, as the last 5 races I’ve done since May have been 5K or less. According to my time trials the last few weeks, I’m supposed to be able to turn out a 42min 16sec 10K (6:47/Mile Pace). That just sounded awfully fast as my PR (Personal Record) was 44min47sec.

I got to Northcross mall at 6:40 for a 8am start. I like getting to the race start way early, so I don’t have to fight the port-a-potty crowds, can take my time, and comfortable with my surroundings.
We ran a 2mile warm up, and as the group did their drills, I decided to lie down and get some rest, as I was feeling tired*.

(*Note: I’m a mental case before all races. I always feel exhausted before the race starts, and feel like my legs are stuck in cement.)

My goals were either: 00:43:59 or 7:06/mile pace or if feeling good 00:42:59 or 6:56/mile pace. I decided well before Sunday morning that Mile 1 would be run at no faster than 7:10 to NOT GO OUT TOO FAST, then increase the speed as the miles go by.

Mile 1: BANG! The gun goes off, and I am off like a race horse jostling for position, zigzag-ing by the slower runners, to get into a wide open spot and establish my pace. It took a good minute to get by a ton of slower people. I pass the 1 Mile Marker at 6:38. GREAT! I went out to fast. JUST GREAT!

Mile 2:
"Dammit Mike, what are you doing. For Christ’s sake, slow the F down. Jeesh!"
This little conversation with myself goes on for quite sometime. I can’t believe I did it again. I went out 32 seconds faster than planned. I slowed way down, and let dozens of people run by. I manage a much better second mile, but now I’m 7 seconds slower than I should be, however, I’ve got time to give because of my dumb ass Mile 1.
Mile 2: 7:07

Mile 3: Now we’re going uphill for 3 miles. I love hate this part of the course. Miles 2 through cinco are all on a slight uphill, and it eats at you as you try and maintain a consistant pace. Not much to say here other than I decided to take my GU a mile early because I was starting to lose some steam. "Mmmm… I *heart* Espresso Hammer Gel."
Mile 3: 7:13

Mile 4: Now I have to pick it up, or all dreams of a good race are going to disappear. I’ve lost the 30 seconds I picked up foolishly on Mile 1, and I can’t seem to find anyone running 7 minute miles to latch on to. We’re finally off of Great Northern, a long straight boring road that does nothing for me. On to Shoal Creek, and I’m determined to not “let the terrorists win”.
Mile 4: 6:56. I’m truckin’ now!

Mile 5: The uphills are still going strong, and this is the worst mile. It finishes with a deceivingly steeper slant to the road, and it takes it’s toll. I’m struggling here. Nothing more to say than, all I want to do is get past this Mile and turn the corner to run back downhill.
Mile 5: 7:17 Total time: 35:13

Mile 6 + 0.2: Ouch! I’m way behind my plan after Mile 5, but I think I have spared enough in the tank to run the last Mile on Rockwood at a pace that will allow me to finish under 6:59 seconds per mile. I pick up the pace considerably, and this is where reading the "Race Plan" and not freaking out during the long uphill stretch paid off. I’m slowly picking people off, and now I’m gaining confidence from it. I’m patient though, I know a Mile is a long stretch, and there’s no need to burn up before I can see the finish line. I pass the 6 Mile marker in 6min 37 seconds. My watch shows 41mins 51 seconds, and I’m back in business!!!

As I’m running the final 0.2 I’m doing frantic math in my head ("How far is 0.2 in Meters?? Ugh, stupid non-metric system.") because I think I can come in under 43mins! I accelerate to now what can be described as a painful pace. My calves are feeling this one big time. Lactic acid is making its appearance, but Dammit!, I’m not letting up today. I start picking people ahead of me as targets and start passing one after the one. I’m looking at my watch every 25-30 yards as I need to know where I’m at, because there is no way in hell that I will fail to get in under 43 minutes. (I’ve made this mistake before) Today, it’s there for the taking, and there will be no heartbreaker. I continue to push hard, and look down at my watch. 42:48…49…50…51. The finish is so close, all I say to myself is RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN. I cross the finish line, and look down as I press the stop watch: 42 mins 56 seconds!! YEAH! I did it!!

Mile breakdown reveals a big problem… I have no idea what my pace should feel like.
1- 6:38
2- 7:07
3- 7:13
4- 6:56
5- 7:17
6- 6:37
0.2- 1:06

Final Time: 00:42:56 or 6:55and a PR by 1min 51 seconds!
- 25th out of 178 in my Age Group. (14%-ile)
- 159th out of 1,945 Runners. (8%-ile)

I’m really happy with it!! But now I think I need to revisit my marathon goal.

Note: 0.2 of a Mile: I know, I know, it's easy now, it's a 20% of a mile, so as 160 meters is 10%, it's 320. But go ahead and try it after 6 miles of racing, and time running out, instead of on your couch, or at your desk at work, while sipping on a frosty beverage. Wow! The final 320 meters in 1min 06secs! I rock!!! Track workouts are paying off!!!


Erin said...

way to go, wiley!! you are amazing.

those pancakes were WELL EARNED. :)

Lulu said...

Awesome race!!! Now I know who I need to start working on catching up with

Unknown said...

You Rock!!

Awesome race!

Mike said...

I started with Mike and he was gone immediately. I'm glad I didn't try to keep up.

Helluva race. Where did you guys go for pancakes!? Omlettry?

MW said...

yes, omlettry.
i give it a C+.
they're waitstaff has a bad attitude.

Unknown said...

43 minutes - fantastic result!